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Update from the Green Mountain CEO
We are well into the second quarter and it is time to reflect a bit on Green Mountain’s journey the past year and the outlook for the rest of 2019.
Taking the lead in the Nordic colocation market
Green Mountain is taking the lead in the Nordic Colocation marked with a fantastic growth in 2018, delivering close to 10MW with new capacity. This growth has continued into 2019 and we will soon announce a new site in Norway. Green Mountain will then have 3 efficient and sustainable locations where DC1 Stavanger’s main advantage is security and efficiency, DC2 Telemark’s main advantage is high capacity and modularity and the new site will combine the mentioned advantages in addition to new elements that will be revealed when the site is announced.
Successful hand-overs
Two of the new customers that signed last year has an overall capacity of 6MW. One is located at DC1 Stavanger and the other one at DC2 Telemark. Both these projects where completed and handed over to the respective customers with a build time of less than 6 months. We have received great feedback from the customers and this affirms Green Mountain’s capacity to handle complex build-outs on a strict timeline.
Sustainable energy and competitive power price
Green Mountain’s growth in 2018 derives from over 20 new customers where 80 % are international. One of the main reasons for international companies looking to Norway is our sustainable power production and competitive price level on power. Compared to our neighboring countries, Norway is the only country with a 100 % sustainable power production. In 2018 Denmark had an increase in the use of coal by 2% for their power production compared to 2017, and Finland has plans to open a new nuclear power plant the coming years. Green Mountain is the only colocation provider in Norway delivering green certificates for all power consumed at all our data centers, and our unique reporting system also calculates the carbon usage when the standby generators are tested.
Hyperscale interest
Green Mountain is also taking a role in land requests from hyperscalers for their purpose build data centers. We have access to several locations all over Norway ideal for hyperscale data centres. I am confident that Norway will take the leading role within data centres in the Nordic, both in the colocation and hyperscale segment.
The team is growing
Because of the massive interest, Green Mountain has strengthened the team with 10 new employees so far this year. This improves the capacity and knowledge within the company and makes us ready to handle the growth in 2019. I am truly optimistic and excited about the future for Green Mountain.
Tor Kristian Gyland
Chief Executive Officer
Green Mountain