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Groundworks - LON1-East Expansion 2

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Groundworks - LON1-East Expansion 2

Groundworks - LON1-East Expansion
Green Mountain
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Green Mountain
Green Mountain
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Mette Berger Gulbrandsen

Mette Berger Gulbrandsen

Pressekontakt Chief Marketing & Communications Officer +47 92838645
Svein Atle Hagaseth

Svein Atle Hagaseth

Pressekontakt Chief Executive Officer +47 982 22 999

Relatert innhold

Aerial view of the LON1-East Data Center Campus.

Green Mountain breaks ground on new data centre expansion in London

A new 14 MW expansion is now under construction at our LON1-East campus in Romford. The site is ideally located near the main financial districts of London and the key Market Exchanges. The new data centre expansion will be built over two phases (7 MW each phase), inside the existing building and offers over 5,500 sqm of white space. The first phase is set to be completed by Q1 2025.

Aerial view of the LON1-East Data Center Campus.

Green Mountain breaks ground on new data centre expansion in London

A new 14 MW expansion is now under construction at our LON1-East campus in Romford. The site is ideally located near the main financial districts of London and the key Market Exchanges. The new data centre expansion will be built over two phases (7 MW each phase), inside the existing building and offers over 5,500 sqm of white space. The first phase is set to be completed by Q1 2025.

Om Green Mountain

Green Mountain designer, bygger og driver svært sikre, innovative og bærekraftige datasentre for samlokalisering i Norge og Storbritannia. Datasentrene driftes på 100% fornybar kraft og er verdensledende på energieffektivitet.

Green Mountain

Hodneveien 260
4150 Rennesøy