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Leadership Panel at Datacloud Nordic 2019

Leadership forum at Datacloud Nordic 2019 -

Leadership forum at Datacloud Nordic 2019 - A discussion about Norway’s advantages in the Nordic DC race. CSO Svein Atle Hagaseth sums up the panel discussion at Datacloud Nordic in copenhagen on December 3rd. Panelist: Xuan jin from Alibaba Cloud, Tor Kristian Gyland from Green Mountain, Petter Tømmerås from Basefarm, Gisle Eckhoff from Digiplex and Peder Nærbø from Bulk Infrastructure.

Update from the Green Mountain CEO

Update from the Green Mountain CEO

Green Mountain CEO, Tor Kristian Gyland, gives his thoughts on the recent developments for Green Mountain and the outlook for the rest of 2019.

BeeBill uses servers from Green Mountain

BeeBills ascends Green Mountain – The road to a greener invoice system

The world is changing around us. It is now more important than ever for companies to think green. BeeBills strive to be a part of the solution and not the problem and have now moved our servers to Norwegian data centre provider Green Mountain. Built in a former NATO facility in Norway, Green Mountain is a data centre which offers 100% renewable power and free cooling 365 days a year.

Lars Ødegaard

4 trends affecting IT

​Sometimes summer gives you the opportunity to reflect for a moment. As we met up in the office in August a few of us realized we had been thinking about the same thing – what’s going on in the IT market these days – and how can we help companies to be better prepared for the future?

Om Green Mountain

Green Mountain designer, bygger og driver svært sikre, innovative og bærekraftige datasentre for samlokalisering i Norge og Storbritannia. Datasentrene driftes på 100% fornybar kraft og er verdensledende på energieffektivitet.

Green Mountain

Hodneveien 260
4150 Rennesøy